Your responsibilities are mounting and you have a lot on your mind, but how to get patients in the door shouldn’t be one of them.

Vestra Tribal Onsite Clinics

Built to provide a transparent solution for addressing escalating healthcare cost to employer-sponsored plans.

It’s time to take the first step to improving the life of your employees.

We build quality, effective healthcare solutions, anchored on a transparent business model that maximizes employer savings while expanding employee benefits.

Who Are We?

Our Services

Vestra Tribal is a convenient place to address a lot of different types of issues, ailments and conditions. Here are just a few of the many ways an Onsite Clinic can help you and your loved ones:

Onsite Clinic Experience

Located Onsite or Near-Site

Same Day & Walk-In Visits

“One-Stop” Patient Experience

Individualized and Timely Care

Extended Provider Visits

Consultation with Providers, Pharmacist & Behavioral Health Specialists

Collaborative, Patient-Driven Care Plans

Integrated Care and Timely Referrals

High Quality Specialist Network Optimization

Onsite Care Management & Navigation

Ongoing Engagement and Communication

Personalized Patient Portal

Secure Messaging

Partner With Us

Vestra is dedicated to providing culturally sensitive care for every tribal member who seeks their services. The clinics are staffed with healthcare professionals who possess extensive experience in working with diverse tribal communities. They understand and respect the cultural nuances and traditions that form an integral part of the community, ensuring that care is delivered in a manner that aligns with the values and beliefs of the tribal members.